
New to MES?


Schedule a Demo: If this is your first experience with the Sepasoft MES suite, schedule a demo to get a crash course on what our modules can do.

Video Training Courses: Have you installed a module, and want to know how to get started? Try our detailed Video Training Courses. These detailed courses walk you through everything you need to know to get started with MES, from basic concepts and installation to configuration and scripting.

Getting Started Webinars: Need more guidance to get your MES system up and running? In these free webinars, the Sepasoft team will demonstrate how to stand up an MES system in just 90 minutes, start to finish. Our team will walk you through module installation, database configuration, your first production run, creation of your first dashboard, and more.

Getting Started with OEE  |  Getting Started with Track & Trace
Getting Started with SPC  | Getting Started with Settings & Changeover

Interactive Demo:
Ready to dive in? Experience our hands-on interactive demo where you can explore and interact with Sepasoft’s MES modules. This demo allows you to explore key features in a real-world scenario, giving you a feel for how the system can optimize your processes. Start your interactive experience today and see how MES can work for you.

Online Tutorial:
 You can go through our Online Tutorial for a step-by-step written guide to creating your first great MES project.

Are you an existing customer?


Video Library: If you’ve already gone through our video courses,  you can simply access all the videos in our library here.

Documentation: Or, you can look through our documentation and manual for specific help with components and scripting. We also have a growing Knowledge Base that includes sample scripts and guides for specific tasks.

Instructor-Led Training: We provide in-person Instructor-Led Training held in our new training center in El Dorado Hills, CA. We can also bring our training to you at your facility. In lieu of in-person instructor-led training, we will be hosting online instructor-led training until further notice. Please visit our Instructor-Led Training page to view our online training schedule and to sign up for online instructor-led training.

Due to COVID-19 state regulations, in-person training is suspended until further notice.


Are you an integrator? 


MES Certification: Similar to the Inductive Integrator Program, we are looking for MES Certified Integrators. Please contact us for information on how to get certified, and the benefits of doing so.


Are you interested in learning more about the Sepasoft MES Suite? Want a hands-on experience with our products?

Click the button below to request your MES demo.

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