Wunderlich-Malec Engineering

Sepasoft MES Premier Integrator

A growth-oriented, employee-owned company, Wunderlich-Malec’s success is achieved by building mutually successful, long-lasting customer relationships guided by our company culture of entrepreneurial spirit. Based on three key pillars – Our Pledge, Process and People, Wunderlich-Malec’s culture is the foundation of our business.

MES Certifications
1 Gold, 2 Certified, AND 7 Credentialed MES ENGINEERS
Large Brewing Company adds Batch Module
California, US
The customer hoped to gain a flexible and modern batch system that could handle complex
The customer hoped to gain a flexible and modern batch system that could handle complex recipes from the Sepasoft MES modules. The biggest benefits from the modules included ease of configuration from HMI body and multiple features to replicate their existing process through the recipes. Operators, engineers, and management quickly adopted the new system including the customer’s batch records integration with their existing quality software and system communications integrated to five existing controllers in their plant.

Using off-the-shelf MES modules reduced implementation costs, cutting down the cost of ownership. All of the setting and process values throughout each batch have been reordered, and supervisors are now able to compare brew batches for quality and recipe improvements.


Auburn, CA
Huntington Beach, CA
20422 Beach Blvd #340
Fred Zaboli
Henderson, NV
980 Mary Crest Rd Suite B
Oscar Salcedo
Eden Prairie, MN
6101 Blue Circle Drive
Fred Zaboli


OEE Certified
2 Engineers
OEE Credentialed
7 Engineers
SPC Certified
1 Engineer
SPC Credentialed
4 Engineers
Settings & Changeover Credentialed
4 Engineers
Track & Trace Credentialed
4 Engineers
Business Connector Credentialed
5 Engineers
Batch Procedure Gold Certified
1 Engineer